The band are from the Middle England.
Karl's Bavarian Brass are always a 4-piece band
Our show is usually 2.5 hours. Two 75 minute sets. Although we are flexible to suit your specific needs.
Do you only perform within the Midlands?
Karl's Bavarian Brass perform throughout the UK.
Does the show encourage audience participation?
Is the Pope a.......? Our show is overflowing with audience participation.
It is compulsary to sway, slap, clap, sing, bang the tables.....then there is the beer!!!
What kind of venue do you like to play?
All types. Large or small.
How do we set out the venue?
Set benches or tables out lengthwise, end on away from the stage/band. Similar to a German Bier Kellar.
What type of people do you perform to?
All sorts of people - students through to pensioners.
Are Oompah/Bavarian nights popular?
Our shows are extremely popular, they never go out of fashion.
Where have you playedr?
England, Scotland, Wales, Isle of Man, Germany, Spain, Sicily.
All kinds of event and venues?
Bier Kellers, Rugby Clubs, Golf, Clubs, Football Clubs, Netball clubs, Operatic Societies, Masonic Lodges, Social Clubs, Colleges, Universities, Village Halls, Care Homes, Parent Teacher Associations, Army, Navy, Airforce, Steam Rallies, Narrowboat clubs, Weddings, Birthdays, Shopping Centres, Corporate parties
Bet you've never performed at a funeral.
Oh yes we have! (the wishes of the deceased!)
Karl's Bavarian Oompah Nights Are A Blast!!!